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One of the major airlines of America is United Airlines; it is one of the best cargo and passenger airlines, operating 4900 flights every day in 360 plus airports. United Airlines' headquarter is in Wills Tower, Chicago, Illinois. They have a domestic and international flight among big cities and small cities in the United States and other six continents. United Airlines is the third largest airline in the globe. United Airlines was founded on 16th April 1926, initially known as Varney Airlines.
One of the major airlines of America is Delta Airlines; its headquarter is in Atlanta, Georgia. Delta Airlines operates more than 5400 flights in 52 countries in 6 continents, it has nine hubs, and Atlanta is the biggest hub of Delta Airlines. Delta Airlines was started on 2nd March, 1925 as Huff Daland Dusters in Macon, Georgia, U.S. On 3rd December 1928, it was named Delta Airline.
The global award-winning travel company JetBlue airlines is an American low-cost airline; JetBlue Airline's headquarter is in Long Island City near New Your City. JetBlue is the seventh biggest Airline in North America by travelers transmitted. It was founded in August 1998 as NewAir; it works for more than 1,000 flights every day and serves 100 national and international network destinations in the US, Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean.
...Southwest Airlines was founded on 15th March 1967 as Air Southwest by Herb Kelleher and Rollin King; it is one of the major Airlines of US Southwest Airlines' headquarter in Dallas, Texas. It lends service to 111 locations in the US and other ten countries. Southwest Airlines took its present name in 1971. Southwest operated approx 4000 flights every day during the peak travel season.
The fifth-largest airline in the United States, Alaska Airlines was founded in 1932 as McGee Airways. Alaska Airlines' headquarter is in SeaTac, Washington, near Seattle. It operates in 5 hubs, and it has the highest customer satisfaction for continuously 12 years. Alaska Airlines flies to in excess of 100 places in the United States, Mexico, Costa Rica, and Canada. In 2018, on 25th April, Virgin American and Alaska Airlines were merged.
Allegiant Air, the ninth-largest commercial airline in the United States, was founded in 1997 as WestJet Express. Allegiant Air operates approx 100 destinations in the 40 states of the United States; it includes a mixture of larger and small air terminals. Alaska Air's headquarter is in Summerlin, Nevada, a neighborhood of Las Vegas
Frontier Airlines is a subsidiary of Indigo Partners, flies in 77 locations in the United States. It is a low-cost airline, and it was founded on 8th February 1994. Frontier Airlines' headquarters is in Colorado, Denver. The central hub of the Frontier Airline is Denver International Airport. In 2015 Frontier Airlines received a Diamond Award from The International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) for the industry's most fuel-efficient airline.
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